这因程序而异. 一些项目的录取,比如 数学和科学教学速成硕士 (AMTMS)和 教学艺术速成硕士 (AMAT)的竞争非常激烈. SPU的每个教育研究生课程的录取都是基于标准的, 所有申请者必须符合所有入学标准.
Can I continue to work while enrolled in a graduate degree program in the SPU 教育学院?
是的,在大多数情况下. Most of the graduate degree 项目 offered by the 教育学院 are part-time 项目, 在各种员工友好的场所提供课程. 教育研究生课程安排在SPU或校外, 在晚上, 偶尔在星期六, 在夏天.
的 教学艺术速成硕士 (还) 数学和科学教学速成硕士 (AMTMS)程序是例外. 因为是全职实习,所以是一年制的全日制项目.
教育学院提供几个完全在线的课程,包括 AMAT-Online, AMTMS-Online, 数字教育领导, 教师领导能力 项目. 请查看项目页面了解资格要求.
Is a graduate program at SPU more expensive than comparable education 项目 at other universities?
SPU's graduate tuition rates are competitive with other accredited universities in Washington.
How does a graduate degree or graduate certificate from SPU compare with a similar degree or certificate from other universities?
SPU's 教育学院 has been offering a wide range of fully accredited master's 和 doctoral degrees in addition to graduate certificates for more than 20 years. SPU在华盛顿和全国的P-12教育中享有很高的声誉, students who complete our graduate degree 和 certificate 项目 enjoy a higher rate of employment than the state's average.
还有问题吗?? 联系 gradadmissions@sterlingtitlellc.com,致电206-281-2091(或800-601-0603).